A letter from Emily

The Emily Brydon Youth Foundation has grown, evolved and expanded in a way I never dreamed of and yet seems so obvious now – it has become part of the community.

The ways that we connect to the people in need continues to blow my mind. Friends, councilors, teachers, fellow applicants – it is limitless. People are starting to be proud to have been supported by the foundation. This is important to me. It is important to know that asking for help isn’t a sign weakness but bravery and opportunity.

As we continue to build the EBYF we do so in the spirit of equal opportunity, development, empowerment, and dreams…….

This foundation is changing lives. It is creating opportunity to those who have dreams, need a helping hand or strive for a diversified experience across various channels, activities and sports. The EBYF strives to open doors – to provide that sometimes needed boost forward.

The foundation is focused on youth. They are our future. I believe strongly in supporting them in order to build a great platform for the future. I equally believe that everyone needs a chance – I sure did. You never know where that “chance” will take you.

The EBYF is growing bigger and bigger every year. Our reach has expanded not only in numbers but also in the variety of activities. We have managed to support youth through sporting activities, learning tutors, adventure camps, various school clubs and much more. Our goal is to make a difference for any youth in need.

To date the Foundation has invested over $400k in the youth of the Elk Valley and will continue to invest in their future.

I cannot thank everyone enough for their support, dreams and drive.

Here is to continually supporting the next generation.

